I haven't read the whole thing because it just arrived this afternoon, but I did take a picture! The snippets that I've read as I flipped here and there are truly lovely and inspiring. I cannot tell you what a special joy it is to be able to read these words, the words of so many wise, beautiful people who know that wrenching pain of loss and suffering, while snuggling my own little bit of hope and healing.
Nothing erases the loss of a child from your heart. But as Colleen recently wrote, "I hold in my heart the greatest of all consolations, the hope of heaven. For I realize, that even when my body is well past the age of bearing babies, even if I should live until I am 100, always, I will be an expectant mother, until the day I hold my babies for eternity." It's so true and it's what women of faith cling to. Karen knows this and it shows in every touching moment of the personal grief that she shares.
Nothing erases the loss of a child from your heart. But as Colleen recently wrote, "I hold in my heart the greatest of all consolations, the hope of heaven. For I realize, that even when my body is well past the age of bearing babies, even if I should live until I am 100, always, I will be an expectant mother, until the day I hold my babies for eternity." It's so true and it's what women of faith cling to. Karen knows this and it shows in every touching moment of the personal grief that she shares.
You might recognize the words in one small section of Karen's book and if they offer you any amount of comfort then I thank the Divine Comforter for inspiring them and allowing me to share them with you. And I thank Karen for finding them worthy of inclusion in her work of the heart. Thank you, Karen!

beautiful work. may this book and your words continue to bring consolation to those in need.