Monday, February 24, 2014

Day One

According to the Queen of Blogging Link-ups, (that would be Jen), one of the advantages of the 7 x 7 blogging challenge is:
"It’s like a blogging closet cleanout. When I clean out my closet, I have a rule that if it’s been more than a year since I last wore an item, I either need to decide that I will begin wearing it now or give it away — no more looking at it and saying “maybe one day I’ll get to it…”
So, for Day One, I took a look at my draft folder. There were only 6 posts there. A couple of them were BigBoy sayings that never got posted. One of them dates back to 2009! I don't know why they weren't ever posted, so here they are to tickle and amuse him and my big kids who read my blog now almost daily...

(BigBoy writes/types a story)
asthe bugwas tr/terminated.buythe foxTHEY CHEERED.

(As the bug was terminated by the fox, THEY CHEERED!)

If you smell rotten eggs, it's me. Oh, by the way... excuse me!

(reading aloud) : The State of Massachusetts absolutely forbids dueling with water pistols.
"Well, I am never going to visit there!"

(Nine year old boys have their priorities you know!)

Oh, how they grow!!!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!