Shih Tzu Wall Calendar ,Corvette Car-a-Day, and Jack Russell Puppies Wall Calendar
Too easy?
The Garfield calendar goes on the fridge to continue the tradition Husband began last year. The kids gather every morning to laugh at Garfield's crazy antics and take turns tearing off the pages. The Baby Blues comic book was for me. Something light, fluffy and funny sounds great right now. The Professor chose Birds of Prey which has some amazing pictures in it and lots of cool facts. The Little House Christmas Treasury is for Sunshine who loves all things Laura and Mary and can count as a school book if I try hard enough. Shortcake picked out a Dick and Jane book. She loves the pictures and the stories that start out easy but get more wordy as you go along. She is a good reader, she just doesn't believe it yet. I am going to do a review of the other two Christmas books later. Maybe you have already heard of them, but they were new to me and very sweet. Especially the Advent Storybook. This one has inspired some ideas for next year, but more on that later.
The book in the middle...kind of ironic, huh. But it comes highly recommended...I just can't think of who recommended it though. A-ha! It was Rebecca!
Husband was looking for a few items they didn't have in the store. I am going to send him to the monster-sized store later to see if he can find something. He already has a calendar although it's not the one I wanted to get for him.
And last but not least... I am the proud owner of a 2008 John Deere page-a-day calendar. You're jealous....I know you are! Well, what's a mom to do when the 3 year old insists on equality while his older siblings are pouring over calendars with glee?
It came with a toy tractor.
Now you understand. He gets the toy and gets to pull the page. I get to look at pictures of great big green and yellow tractors all day, every day! My grandpa would be so proud!

I might get that gold book. I have a b & n gift card. Happy New Year to you!