So much to do, so little time. Plans hampered even further by feverish child lying limp on the couch. No errands. No quick trips. Just still. This is the Holy Week God has planned for us. Yours might be different. For those feeling up to it, here is a glimpse into our celebrations of the past with lots of opportunity for togetherness.
All inspiration comes from the Divine Inspirer. Thanks be to Him for the gift of sharing.
~ Triduum ~
While PAAS
certainly has it's place in our house, natural dyed eggs are our favorite. I think we might have exhausted just about every known vegetable and every known pun. You can choose your favorites to try if you'd like:
Veggie Eggs-travaganza 2010
Don't for the entire Easter Season, don't forget the Good Shepherd Garden Parties Jessica and I put together last year. Jessica has kindly provided some updated plans at all the old links. You can still order a calendar via Amazon (whoops, those are gone now), Aquinas and More or LTP (fyi: they used to charge a lot for shipping). If you can't get a hold of one, you can use the printables I made last year.
A blessed Holy Week to you all!

Veggie Eggs-travaganza 2010
Don't for the entire Easter Season, don't forget the Good Shepherd Garden Parties Jessica and I put together last year. Jessica has kindly provided some updated plans at all the old links. You can still order a calendar via Amazon (whoops, those are gone now), Aquinas and More or LTP (fyi: they used to charge a lot for shipping). If you can't get a hold of one, you can use the printables I made last year.
A blessed Holy Week to you all!

"A blessed Holy Week to you all!"
ReplyDelete...and to you, dear Charlotte.