Friday, May 10, 2013

There is always another choice...

My tiniest baby was atleast bigger than my hand.
Eleven years ago, there was a call put out in our little Catholic community for help for a young couple who had delivered two sweet tiny baby girls prematurely. They were at home with their mom and dad by that time but mom and dad were busy as bees and could use some support. That was how I met this sweet family. But reading this story for the first time yesterday is the first time I heard their whole story. One pound babies! Just amazing!



  1. I had chills when she described her husband's wedding ring fitting all the way up the baby's arm. I have a picture of our oldest son with his arm inside my husband's wedding ring, after our Trooper's birth at 24 weeks. Looking at our son now, we can hardly believe it!

  2. God grants each of us miracles in forms that are unseen by the eyes but can only be felt by the heart. ...With Faith, everything is possible because the word possible exist within the word impossible...these were my dad's favrourite words...I truly believe in them and live my live by that phrase too. My children have been so "forced" to listen to me saying that everyday that now they too believe in it.

    Wishing you a superb weekend doing anything and everything that pleases your heart and brings about a broad smile upon your lovely face.



Thank you for sharing your thoughts and yourself!