Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 4 :: Saints 'N Stitches Tutorial {Part 2}

Part One :: Embroidery Resources

How to wash off the water soluble design

 When you are all done and happy with your embroidery, you will want to wash off the blue lines underneath. You could wait until they are all stitched up into dolls and then toss the completed doll in the laundry, but I like to make sure it comes off before then. (I haven't yet had one not come off. )
 Run the design under some gently running cool water. 
 Make sure that the water runs all over the design. When you can't see any blue under your embroidery, gently squeeze the excess water out. 
 Lay out your fabric on a clean towel and roll it up to get all the water out. 
When it's mostly dry, unroll and hang to dry.
When it's completely dry, you can iron all the little wrinkles out.

Tomorrow I'll show you how I turn your embroidered square of fabric into a little pillow doll.

Tips and Resources for learning how to embroider can be found here.

Part Three :: Sewing Your Doll