Sunday, March 15, 2020

FREE Saints 'N Stitches Embroidery Designs

There isn't much I can do to help the world right now. But I can offer a little something to the people looking for crafts and projects for their out of school children. These are the downloads I have had for sale on Etsy for a few years now. I'm always surprised when people are still interested in them. You can find them free on Scribd at the links below. Scribd might ask you to create an account with them, but there should not be a charge either for the account or the files. Please let me know if you have any difficulties.

Mary, Queen of Heaven & St. Elizabeth of Hungary

St. Cecilia & St. Rose of Lima

St. Angela Merici & St. Bernadette

St. Rita & St. Teresa of Calcutta 
(original documents still say Blessed... sorry!)

St. Clare & St. Catherine of Alexandria

St. Gianna & St. Genevieve

St. Joan of Arc & St. Teresa of Avila

St. Therese & St. Scholastica