Thursday, June 30, 2011

History Channel Geography: Addendum

After posting this review of the show, How the States Got Their Shapes, I feel the need to mention a caveat. While we still love this show, we have noticed some "adult" language pretty typical of a cable show so I have been previewing each episode (usually on my laptop while folding laundry) and taking notes on where to mute certain sections for the sake of the younger members of our audience. I want to mention specifically that the 5th (Living on the Edge) and 7th (Church and States) episodes go beyond the typical "hams" and "dells" you might expect from a cable show. If you would like to know in advance of any tricky areas, send me an email and I will share my notes with you. We really have been enjoying this show and I mean all of us, even the 7 year old (which is why I was concerned about some of the language). Given the chance to watch an episode of Wipeout or the "states show", my kids chose the states show, hands down!


  1. Thanks for letting us know. It is too bad to have to worry about that.

  2. I know! Maybe they will realize that kids are enjoying this show and cut some of it out.

  3. That's surprising that History Channel is allowing talk like that in their programming. They know that teachers use their shows in the classroom and they even send out a small magazine highlighting shows to use with students. How the States Got Their Shapes was a series they were promoting a month or two ago in their newsletter. I've watched parts of a few episodes, but I typically fall asleep before I get more than ten minutes into it.

  4. They chose How the States Got Their Shapes to Wipeout! WOW, I'll have to check it out. My kids LOVE to watch Wipeout as their TV time treat, so this other show could be a winner here.

  5. Elizabeth,
    I was just as shocked when they turned down Wipeout! I have a regular weekly meeting I attend so Sean usually keeps them entertained with a fun show just before reading time and bed. They don't watch the interviews but they love the wipeouts!


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