I feel left behind in this whole social networking craze. I once defended the internet because it was a way to build community where there was none but now, I see many friends I have communicated with in thought and word via blogs turning to social networking and in turn, neglecting their blogs. So I tried popping onto Facebook via my husband's page (which he doesn't ever use) and just couldn't get into it. It was all jumbled up and not very orderly which made me feel like I needed to tidy up and declutter. If I want to feel like that, I just have to walk into my kids' bedrooms! Then, I opened up a Twitter account, tried to pop around and see what people were talking about... and promptly had a panic attack. Seriously. All the chatter, all the conversation, all the virtual noise and I felt my chest tighten up, my heart race and my breathing get shallower and shallower. I felt like Professor X in a New York subway. Thankfully, it was not telepathy induced so I could turn it off before I started hyperventilating.
I don't want to offend anyone who enjoys these communication mediums, but I love blogs! A blog is a beautiful place filled with the character and spirit of the person who owns it. It offers pieces of them and their world. It opens your eyes to places, customs, family situations that you might not get to experience in your own world. Even if a blog is not visually beautiful, it can be intellectually beautiful and carry your mind to the pinnacles of thoughts you never could have imagined yourself. You can follow the conversations of the blog hostess and other readers and you can even choose to engage in those conversations as well. It is a notebook where you can quickly share a small silliness that you will just as quickly forget or a scrapbook to hold those precious things that you want to remember forever. And it can be a lovely place to share yourself with the world and a comfortable parlor to invite guests to come in and sit a spell with you. If blogging is like a home cooked meal, then social networking is fast food. And while fast food can work in a pinch, I'd rather enjoy a succulent pot roast with roasted sweet potatoes on the side.
Writing a blog post requires you to engage your thoughts and feelings and put them into words and phrases that will evoke a response from your audience. To those of us who aren't natural writers, there is literally a little bit of our blood, sweat and tears in every post. To read a blog is to occupy that place, that time, those tears, those feelings of the writer and to share them with her. You can let her know that they have inspired you or that you sympathize. Other people reading your comments can join in the conversation in a gentle but active way or in a passive, thoughtful way. It is a conversation that is open to everyone on their own comfort level whereas social networking feels like a thousand private conversations between everyone else, but not you, unless you join. The friendships that develop in the blog world are real friendships, but they are friendships that are almost completely based on communication. While some people are excited by this new means of communication and its potential, it is the equivalent of an exclusive club to those of us who can't keep up.
Sadly, I feel like some of those friendships that I thought I was developing have been cut off by social networking. In order to participate in those conversations, I now have to tweet or peep or read a wall. A wall... seriously? I feel left behind. I feel out of the loop. I feel dejected and a little rejected. I don't think those friendships were false. But now, I see some of those friends climbing onto the bandwagon and heading down a road that I can't go. So I'll just hang out here and work on making this place a truly beautiful space. And I'll keep popping over to see those friends with beautiful places that inspire me and hope I'll see them soon.

I don't know how to do those other things either, twitter or whatever. A wall? Really? They read a wall?
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your blog and thanks for the time and effort you put into it. I am more haphazard! Lord help me.
I feel similarly. I had a lot of IRL friends who had blogs. It was an easy way to keep updated with what was going on, but now they have all moved over to facebook and their blogs are deleted. I love reading your blog and would be super disappointed if you had jumped on the facebook bandwagon and neglected this.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a wonderful post Charlotte, and I totally agree with you!!
ReplyDeleteI joined Facebook awhile back, and although I have enjoyed reconnecting with old friends that I lost touch with years ago, I understand what you are saying... I too prefer blogging even though I am not a writer and DO put a "little bit of blood, sweat and tears in every post!" (and then get super nervous when I start noticing all my bad grammar and spelling mistakes! lol!! Anyway, I hope I haven't been neglecting my own blog too badly.
OH, and I didn't even attempt to join twitter, since I just new it would give me a panic attack too!! Yikes!!
I am so glad that I have gotten to know you (and be constantly inspired bu you!) through blogging, and thankful that you aren't going anywhere!
I love your blog. I wanted to start a blog so inspired by the Catholic Homeschooling Moms that I follow but I couldn't figure it out. I don't Facebook,Twitter or tweet....I don't even text. I love the richness and inspiration of blogs, and the generosity of so many Moms like yourself that offer up your talents to the rest of us. My daughter is always asking me if the "color page lady" has a new one up today:) Please don't stop blogging, you enrich the Catholic practices of our home!!!
ReplyDeleteoh! and that should have been knew not new... sheesh! ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. I haven't even attempted the social networking thing. Not just because it would be too overwhelming, but I feel like it would also steal too much of my time with my family. I don't begrudge anybody that likes doing it, though. I just prefer blogs, although I'm taking a break from my own for lent.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally visual... and love blogs. I will always be a reader here. :)
ReplyDeleteNot a facebook person or twitter... but that's from fear I'll never get off. I have no self-discipline other than don't join. ;)
Thank you for writing exactly how I was feeling too but could not express it as so you did!!
ReplyDeleteNice work putting your deep thoughts onto paper, er... I mean BLOGS!
You inspire people b/c you are genuine and true. Thank you for that. You can count on me to keep up my blog too.
There's nothing quite like it.
Oh, as far as Facebook goes, I did join it and got hooked- b/c it was a quick fix to curiosity.
My hubby and I laugh at how they call it 'friends'-ugh-give me a break!
anyway, I took a break off of FB for Lent. I realized that I am not missing it much at all.
Once again, thanks for writing this.
Can I link to this on my blog?
God bless,
Mary @ Cheerios
Dear Charlotte,
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on this. I have a Facebook account, but most days I don't even visit. I don't want to even try to Twitter.
I feel like blogging and visiting blogs is like visiting someone's sitting room or having them over to mine. It's not the whole house, with the messy bathrooms and stuff in the bedrooms you don't want anyone to see. It's the best part of you and if I came to visit your house, that's what I would want to see, the best part. I want your best china for tea, and your furniture dusted (and I know it would be). I don't want the TV on and you at the computer talking in between typing and that's what Facebook and Twitter are to me. They are quick and dirty (not dirty in a dirty way, but you know what I mean).
I don't want quick. I want a cup of tea (or maybe iced and sweet), made the old fashioned way, with my friend Charlotte.
Thank you all for your support. I was kind of worried that I was the only one who felt this way.
Please feel free to link if you like!
An old fashioned cup of tea is what you'd get. My granny taught me to brew it even if you intend to serve it over ice (always sweet). And I still want that glass of wine on your porch!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice post. I have learned SO much about my faith and motherhood from the different blogs I read. And so I know what you mean about really enjoying them.
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried twittering. Just doesn't appeal to me right now. But I will admit to loving FB. For me, it fills an entirely different need (or space anyway).
My blog is a place to write out my deep thoughts or quick funnies about parenthood. Most of my readers (all 5 of them) aren't people I know IRL, but a few are. That being said, I'm "shy" about my blog, I don't want everyone to read it and so I don't "promote" it.
FB has let me reconnect with friends and family we've moved away from. I get a chance to peek in and say hi, to read their updates and just see how everyone is. It is casual, but it is also the people I really knew in college, HS and places we've lived and it is so nice to "see" them again (most of them anyway!). Perhaps because we've lived so many different places, I find it so useful. But I do enjoy it!
A blog is a peek into someones journal---facebook is a chance to talk at the watercooler. Both are important to me--just different.
Not trying to sway you or anything...just sharing my point of view. :-)
Charlotte, I am SO GLAD you wrote this!!! I've been puzzling over a similar post in my mind for the past few days but could never have expressed it as eloquently as you. You are a gifted writer, a beautiful friend, and you should, in no way, feel you've been "left behind". Rather, you should set yourself apart as a LEADER the rest of us can only hope to follow! Seriously. I am amazed and inspired every single time I click over to your blog (which is every single time you post something new).
ReplyDeleteI just really do not get the whole Facebook or Twitter thing, either. I felt much like you the first time I tried to "tweet" and got lost in the chatter. I couldn't even understand who was saying what to whom! And furthermore, I could never delude myself into thinking that anyone in the world might possibly care exactly what I was doing at any given moment (except for maybe my children, who feel the need to know what I'm doing every second of the day, especially when I'm, say, in the bathroom or on the phone!)
Facebook was, for me, a fun something new but I'm already feeling uncomfortable there, too. Happily, it did reconnect me with one of my very best friends from high school with whom I'd lost touch, though, and to read her long, beautiful e-mails (not a scribble on my wall!) has been such a gift.
I have been guilty of neglecting my blog lately, but only wish I could blame it on something so simple as Facebook or Twitter. Unfortunately my quiet has been due more in part to sick children, messy house, and feeling generally overwhelmed by life in general. I try to avoid blogging during times like these.
Keep on writing, Charlotte. Your blog is a beautiful place to visit; but then, I'd expect nothing less from you! :)
I'm with you, Charlotte! I do have a facebook account. It is fun to reconnect, but, I've realized why I didn't remain friends with some of them in the first place!
ReplyDeleteI don't twitter...heck, my cell phone doesn't even have a camera let alone texting abilities!
I love to blog...you're right...it's a little bit of me every time I post. It's who I am.
BTW...I love your blog...and visit often! Your even on my sidebar!
What a lovely post. I so agree with you and appreciate you sharing a deep part of yourself that is truly beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThose kinds of friend requests would totally freak me out! I only have a passing interest in those people, like which ones went to Hollywood, which ones went to jail?
I have heard from other people that FB can be a great way to stay in touch with far scattered family members or friends. Although it can pose an ethical dilemma when you are confronted with a family member or friend engaging in immoral behavior. My problem is that my brain can't remember all of those people and details so it tends to start dropping important information in favor of retaining the minutiae.
Thank you for the beauty you offer to everyone who stops by your little corner of the world. I was telling Jessica that I know we all go through seasons that pull us away from our online friendships, but that is a normal rhythm to be expected in any relationship. Making the decision to devote more time to your family is different than making the decision to participate in something that only a section of your circle of friends can enjoy.
I love this post Charlotte. I don't comment much on your blog (have I ever?) but I read it everyday. I deactivated my FB account for Lent. It's been great. I hope to one day start a blog. I did signup for one on Wordpress, but that's it...I've signed up. I'll keep coming here!
For me my blog and facebook fill two very different niches. I can't imagine trading in a blog for facebook, though. Ugh. I'm sorry you've had friends drop off on you like that. What a disappointment. Why anyone would make that jump is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteI like the way you characterize the two and, despite my recent impassioned defense of facebook, I do agree with you that I far and away prefer the intimate chattiness and sit down with a warm cup of tea flavor of the blog. Your description of what blogs mean to you is lovely and inspiring and helps me to value the space I've created and the spaces of all my dear blogger friends.
When I found Facebook I'd been blogging for years; but many of my friends and family, while being vaguely aware of my blog couldn't be bothered to follow it. In fact, I think many of them are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of my writing or are disinterested in much of what I write about. They want the updates about family not the long book reviews and musings about faith and homeschooling and such.
What I've found is that there are two distinct groups of people that I make two kinds of connections with on the two forums. Facebook is great for me to connect with those people who for whatever reason don't use my blog to keep in touch. And for reconnecting with some dear friends and family I've been sad to have drifted apart from. It's not my preferred forum-- if I had my way they'd all come to my blog or have blogs I could visit-- but I also don't mind the fast pace. I've learned how to focus my attention to get what I need from it and ignore the rest as static.
What I've found is that Facebook can create little spaces like mini-blogs when a bunch of people comment on one update. There can be a thread of conversation that feels a bit like a comment box. That's the part I do like. I tend to ignore huge swaths of Facebook and I only check in sporadically. I'll go for weeks without using it, then jump on for a few days at a time then go for more weeks without going there once.
I can see why you'd feel overwhelmed and I don't think there's anything wrong with deciding that Facebook, Twitter and the like aren't for you.
Thank you so much, too, for sharing your point of view. I'm still trying to find a balance, to decide how much of a place to give Facebook and Twitter and hearing your case for blogs helps me to see the big picture more clearly. I'll probably keep a foot in both worlds; but one things certain if anything goes it won't be my blog.
I'm "fasting" from Facebook right now and enjoying it immensely. I tried "twittering" but kind of felt "left out of the conversation" and was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of it all...I deleted my account. Navigating the internet is a bit difficult at times...sigh. Thanks for this post...very thought-provoking, as usual! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm late to this!! But my feelings are exactly the same as yours and the other commenters!! I love your blog, I love everyone's blog, I feel like I'm visiting their homes every day, their hearts.
ReplyDeleteFacebook and Twitter (was that what it was called?) confuse me and I don't need that. One beautiful thing on my plate is enough!
Keep doing what you're doing, we're all loving it!!
I'll stay behind with you!
I love what you have written here and the courage it must have taken to post it. I'm glad you did, because I feel so much the same way - as obviously do many of your readers! I have a twitter account but to be honest I started it as a way of opening up my weblog and expanding my "audience": an adjunct of my main project, which was my weblog. Now I am finding it more of a hassle and an obligation than anything. I love the way some people manage to create weblogs that are almost like a room in their house, as you do with yours - so welcoming, beautiful, comfortable - and that can never be achieved with a tweet.
ReplyDeleteThat's me, always at the tail end of comments. I don't have an account on Facebook. I do have one on Twitter, but I rarely use it. Frankly, I don't get it. I haven't been posting much on my blog (you know why) but I will again. I love your blog and I love that you wrote what many of us feel!
ReplyDeleteI've mixed feelings on both services. I have mixed feelings on blogs too. :) Not everyone is comfortable communicating via every medium. My husband won't even talk on the phone. I think it's perfectly fine that you don't like either. And I'm on Twitter because I felt just the same way - my friends are all there and I'm missing out on something. But I don't think it's like that. Most of the chatter over there is pretty trivial - it's fun when I'm bored or lonely, but it doesn't replace blogs.
ReplyDeleteYou have spelled out exactly how I feel much better than I'd have been able to say it. I've been pondering all these things too for awhile now. I'm planning to delete my facebook account. I may link back to this blog post on my blog, because you said it much better than I could!! :) Thanks for sharing, I came from the link on Elizabeth's blog, but also am a reader/lurker on the Real Learning boards and loved your Lent map, we're using that idea this year!! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post. Amen to all you say. I have no idea of how Twitter or Facebook work - and no intention of learning. Here I am trying to reduce internet time - I certainly do not want more incentives to be on.
ReplyDeleteI have both a facebook and a twitter account, and I completely agree with you! I also share similar feelings about the triviality of both. That said, I use them for what they're good for. I use FB for connecting with family, my TAC classmates and local-but-an-hour-away friends (and I'm lucky if I visit FB once a month!). I don't be"friend" or follow any more people than I really want to on either site.
ReplyDeleteBlogs are by far my favorite online medium, and for all the reasons you mention. Thank you for posting this!
I recently joined FB (as in this week) to help a friend out as it were... she was in a friendly competition with her husband as to who had more friends using that service. So signed up and became her 'friend'. Then all of a sudden all these people I have spoken to or heard from in more than 10 years convergered on my account.
ReplyDeleteAt this point I really don't think it will be a medium I use all that often... I will use it as I did my myspace account... kind of a snoop... just to see how people are doing and where they are now... but that's about it.
I agree that it all seems to be over-cluttered and not easily navigated. Whomever put it together most not be a mom... otherwise it would have much more order to it! :-)
I think each medium has it's positives and negatives, and truthfully none are transparent. None show the REAL you, it is up to each of us to make a real connection with people to form friendships, otherwise we're simply a mere aquaintance.
Anyway... all that being said, I enjoy the whole blog thing so keep it up my friend both online and FOR REAL! (And I probably shouldn't be aloud to comment before I've had any coffee in the morning :-).
Wow, Charlotte!!
ReplyDeleteAmen, and amen! I haven't been able to get into the whole Facebook thing...and I've really tried to embrace Twitter. I just can't keep up. I can't capture anything meaningful in 125 characters. So, I'm having to say goodbye to Twitter. It's just...not...me. I'm verbose, long-winded, chatty. I like the intimacy of blogging and the sense that I "know" certain blogging friends, because a bit of their heart comes through in every post. I'm so thankful for this friendly venue and praise God for my many blogging friends!
Thanks for being my friend, Charlotte!
Charlotte, I hope for you sake that those friendships weren't false. But I wonder, since they seem to have "moved on" leaving you "behind." True friends wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteThere is a real danger here in assigning the qualities of true friendships to those people one knows only online.
Lots to say here, but not much time to flesh it out. I may have to write more about it.
Oh, I am so glad to hear you say this! I am just.now.learning.how.to blog. (And, I must admit, I'm realllllyy bad at it!) But, I'll get there. Even though I'm about 5 years behind all of my friends who are now on Facebook and Twittering away, I still prefer to spend my free time learning how to blog and reading a good blog like YOURS! :)
Charlotte!!!!! Oh Charlotte!!! YOU ROCK GIRL!!!!
ReplyDeleteI was just hedged into the wide world of Twitter and after a bit of time has now lapsed, I am wondering what the draw to it really is all about except for either business or tooting one's own horn with links to follow them elsewhere. It overlaps seriously with other things like 4real boards, facebook, blogging commentaries and more. It is highly superficial. On the other hand, I must say though I enjoy facebook because a plethora of relatives are on there and it assists us in keeping in touch and especially sharing photos. I might never see those from all the younger generation of nieces/nephews and even my own married kids for that fact. sigh... Blogging is something totally different for me, a place to hang my heart, to capture the essence of faith and family while sharing our family adventures and my husband's illness since our surprise transferred move.It keeps me connected using words and photos. I love that.
Your words here mean much. Happy is the man who is bold enough to share from the heart! Your boldness is refreshing, encouraging and commended!!! You offer inspiration on a daily basis Charlotte. Your blog is one of my very top favorites (one I "could" read while off internet and on cell phone web abilities with my google reader). I think you are a precious example of a woman who walks with a kindred heart and sweet spirit while providing a deep sense of neighborly community when always welcoming others into your presence on cyber space. Thank you for that. I am so happy to have found you here even though I forever thought your name was Matilda!!! LOL :-) God bless!
You wrote my heart.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more.
Thank you.
For expressing it so eloquently.
You bless.
All's grace,
(who also is used to unpopularity thanks to high school ~warm school~)
Your blog is beautiful, and I much prefer blogs, too.
ReplyDeleteI really haven't felt any desire to try Facebook or other social networks. Thanks for voicing what many of us feel about the subject!
I feel the same, Charlotte. I love the inspiration, art, and voice of so many blogs. It has taken me a bit to come to terms with all of the new chattering technology and reason my place in it. And, I'm completely comfortable being apart from it. I'll always love the opportunity for expression and the potential for good and beauty in a blog. I'm left behind with ya' girl! :)
ReplyDeleteI love this post! Thank you for saying exactly how I feel. It is sad that blog traffic seems to have decreased in proportion to the increase in the popularity of Twitter and FB (and whatever else.)
ReplyDeleteI had a myspace account while my son was deployed because he would update his occasionally, so I'd watch to see if, well, quite frankly, he was still alive. I never liked it. Never "got" it and I am so glad he back and I'm done with it!
I love your blog. Even though this is my first comment (I think) I enjoy your writings and your beautiful artwork.
I'll still be coming to check in on you. I'm glad you're going to keep blogging. I would miss you if you stopped.
I think I'm going to link to this entry, too.
Charlotte, this is a great post. I do have a FB account and a Twitter account, but I don't use them. Your points are on target. But I am also struggling with blogging too. Yes, there are good reasons to blog, but I have seen too many cases of women blogging and painting their life in a way that is so false. They in turn do damage to their readers by making them think that life is a "Kodak moment" all the time. I know of several popular bloggers whose real life is not the way they portray it on their blogs. This is not right either. And what about the virtue of humility?? There is a fine line there when it comes to blogging. I guess, like with everything, readers have to keep thinks in perspective.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting this. I am right there with you. With Twitter, I don't get the appeal. Why waste all the time it takes to type something in about what you are doing, when you could just be enjoying doing it? At least that's the question I keep asking my husband. Especially these people who do it all.the.time. What about living in the real world? Thank you so much. You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself. Keep it up
ReplyDeleteI see why these mediums are popular. The "posts" are short, so it doesn't take much time to participate. One can feel "in the loop" with certain people.
ReplyDeleteBUT, if you have a lot of friends, you have to check in often or all those little posts will be like an avalanche and, yes, it will be like drowing in a noisy sea where everybody talks at once.
And, definitely, Facebook and Twitter are Blogging for those with ADHD. It takes effort and time to sit and write a coherent blog post, and it requires effort and time to READ blog posts. Unfortunately, we as a society are increasingly scatterbrained regarding communication. We're ok with a 30 second soundbyte, but can't read a whole op-ed piece. We can read the 50 character Twitter post, but are impatient with a blog post longer than one paragraph.
I think some good, evangelizing Catholics must embrace these mediums, and I'm there (on Facebook) with a link to my blog! But I can't really get into it. I prefer to write my (sometimes complex) thoughts and tell stories, not deliver one-liners.
Clap, clap, clap - Bravo, Charlotte! I suppose there are those who are invigorated and delighted by those other media but I, too, love the 'visiting' and visual aspects of blog writing and reading. You keep doing your beautiful waltz right here and your appreciative fans will stay here reading.
ReplyDeleteI found your post to be a sort of mirror image of my own feelings: I use and like FB but there's only so much I can do with it. On the other hand, I see your blog pop up on so many other blogs that I read--you all seem to know each other, and, well, I don't (currently) have a personal blog (I aspire but it's not a matter to get into now) so...talk about feelings from high school!
I agree with you that blogs have a personal character, and I agree with other readers that yours is beautiful. You've also strengthened my resolve not to Twitter. I've read some good things about it but I don't think it would fit my life or personality.
I've been offline a lot over the past week so I'm just now seeing this one, but I had to pop in and say: I can relate!! I feel like I'm the last person who's not on Facebook. I already sound like some old lady, griping to people that back in my day we had BLOGS and not all this fancy-schmancy Facebook stuff.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I wonder if Facebook is less popular with other people who are converts to faith from a worldly background. For me, one of the reasons I'm not on Facebook is that I really don't want to be contacted by people I knew 8+ years ago. I wish them well, but...there's a reason we're not in touch anymore. Everyone tells me I could ignore their friend requests, but that would just be weird.
Anyway, I can totally relate! Maybe you and I will be the last people on the internet with good ol' fashioned blogs. :)
I could've written this! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I Twittered for awhile and felt that panicky anxiety, too. Too much noise! I have not tried Facebook. I have no desire to try Facebook. I'm content with my blog. I see no need to tweet or read a wall! lol
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting this. I feel the exact same way and you said it better than I ever could have. I find the blogs so much more relaxing than Facebook and Twitter seem to be.
ReplyDeleteI always feel strange when commenting on an old post....but doesn't that go exactly to what you were saying about the beauty of a blog? My husband and I shut down our Facebook accounts after a privacy scare and I am MUCH HAPPIER without keeping up with all the noise going on there. I found that what I really needed was my own blog, because my status updates were always about what I was cooking/playing/crafting/praying! I wish more of my old facebook friends would follow me into exile, I am saddened to reacquaint myself with them and then leave.
ReplyDeleteI am a new reader of yours and in North Texas too. Thanks for your beautiful blog. I linked to your Padre Pio post last week.
I was clickity-ing around some links and found this post. I was going to practically write it word for word on my own neglected blog and since I see you've already done it, I can just link here instead. :) I totally agree...I have tried for over a year now to "get into" facebook...it's just not doing it for me, for all the reasons you listed. I imagine I will keep my account since it's the only way to keep in touch with some people, but I love blog reading and writing and want to revive mine again. Thanks for sticking around! :)
ReplyDeleteI am going to have to be the odd man out on this one. I think facebook is good for those of us who don't feel capable of blogging. Charlotte--like you, I have anxiety issues and I am in the thick of dealing with them. I can post thoughts and feelings to facebook, sometimes in the whole sphere, sometimes in a small private group and get feedback, get prayers, get encouraging thoughts and shared stories of friends with similar problems--making me feel like I'm not the only one going through what I am going through. The thought of writing a blog and keeping up with comments on it and feeling pressured to write posts and also dealing with criticisms from what I wrote-it frankly kind of terrifies me. So for those of us who just can't handle doing our own blog, fb can be a little mini version. I guess I am going to have Chinese for Thanksgiving dinner on this one.
ReplyDeleteHey Laura,
DeleteI don't know if you came over from Simcha's blog but just to let you know, this post is from 2009.
Yeah, I know. I saw a comment from 2012 and thought, what the heck :)
ReplyDeleteThat's fine. I just wanted to point out that some of my thoughts and opinions in this post might have changed.